Abelhas sem ferrão jati do Nordeste, Plebeia flavocincta (Cockerell, 1912): distribuição no passa
Publicação na revista Doce Mel da Associação Paulista de Apicultures Criadores de Abelhas melÃficas Européias. Read more here
Soil metabolism through metaproteomics. In this new publication we explore the metabolic functons of
Higher protein abundance and diversity were found in forest soil, but functional categorization of protein sequences retrieved a higher...
New Belemia (nyctaginaceae) species described from the Amazon.
A new paper published in Systematics and Biodiversity describes the new species Belemia cordata with its chloroplast genome sequence, the...
Bumba Meu Boi do Maranhão é patrimônio cultural imaterial da humanidade. Veja um pouco sobre essa fe
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BIOSCAN - Revealing species, their interactions and dynamics.
The BIOSCAN Project - Read more here
Plants do not respond equally to environmental changes. In this new papers just published in Frontie
Genetic structure of Monogereion carajensis and Brasilianthus carajensis. The impact of habitat loss. PDF
The microbiome impacts cattle health and disease. In this paper we describe the vaginal microbiome o
In this paper bulk samples of insects was used to sample the local vertebrate they fed on. An additional tool for environmental...
In this new paper we detect in bulk insects traces of DNA of vertebrates they fed on. New tools for
In this paper bulk samples of insects was used to sample the local vertebrate they fed on. An additional tool for environmental...
In this new paper the phylogeny and life style of parasitic worms, focused on the Echinococcus genus
The Echinococcus genus contains very important human and livestock parasites. In this collaboration, coordinated by colleagues from the...