How limb generation happens. Using a lung fish model to describe the deep roots of the process.
In this just released PNAS publicaton, the study of genes involved in limb regeneration in the Polypterus fish the genetic program that...

DNA barcoding of the global biodiversity aims at discovering 2 million new species.
New DNA barcoding of the global biodiversity project aims at using DNA evidence to discover a massive number of new species. Click here...

New publication describing how environmental variables shape the distribution of the Melipona subnit
Spatial distribution of adaptive genetic variability in Melipona subnitida. Colors represent interpolated spatial principal components...

Novo livro publicado com vários autores da Fiocruz que discute as relações entre a saúde humana e a
Oliveira, G., et al. (2018). Série Fiocruz. Coleção Saúde, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade. Biodiversidade e Saúde. Complexidades,...

New paper with colleagues from the Univ. of Queensland on the importance of biogeochemical processes
Photo by Guilherme Oliveira. View of the Canga soil in the wet season. The interaction of plants and microorganisms is important for the...

In this new publication with colleagues from UFRGS and UBA we study the development of the parasite
Gene ontology (GO) term enrichment analysis in M. corti tetrathyridium larvar TT and samples. Bar plots show the number of genes...

New paper out in Nature Communications. Contribution to the global surveillance effort for monitorin
Resistome clustering in sewage samples across regions. a Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) performed on the resistome Bray–Curtis...

In this new paper we used bacteria to leach rare earth elements from lateritic ores.
Total soluble iron (solid symbols) and ferrous iron (hollow symbols), markers for rare earth dissolution leached from A. thiooxidans...

In this new paper lead by colleagues from UNIANDES in Colombia we describe a model for bacteriophage
Bacterial population total size and resistance to phage predicted under different treatment regimes (single phage without antibiotic,...

Identificação da dieta de morcegos insetívoros por DNA no guano. Parabéns Ana.
Análise da dieta de morcegos insetívoros em ambientes cavernícolas através de metabarcoding de eDNA. UFPE. Enrico Bernard Orientador,...