DTU Visit to Brazil
The objective of this visit is to interact with Brazilian scientists and foster new collaborations between DTU and Brazil.
Visiting scientits
Thomas Schieritz-Pontén Bent Petersen
Google Scholar / short CV Google Scholar / short CV
The Center for Biological Sequence Analysis at the Technical University of Denmark was formed in 1993, and conducts basic research in the field of bioinformatics and systems biology. The group of +90 scientists, working in ten specialist research groups, has a highly multi-disciplinary profile (molecular biologists, biochemists, medical doctors, physicists and computer scientists) with a ratio of 2:1 of bio-to-nonbio backgrounds. CBS represents one of the large bioinformatics groups in academia in Europe.
Bioinformatics is the term used to refer to the combination of methods in biology, computation, and information management, which are necessary to advance research relating to all aspects of living systems - from individual molecules, cells, and organs to entire organisms.
Today, research in molecular biology, biotechnology and pharmacology depends on information technology all the way from experiment to the publication of the results. Comprehensive public databases of DNA- and protein sequences, macromolecular structure, g ene and protein expression levels, pathway organization and cell signalling, have been established to optimise scientific exploitation of the explosion of data within biology. Unlike many other groups in the field of biomolecular informatics, Center for Biological Sequence Analysis directs its research primarily towards topics related to the elucidation of the functional aspects of complex biological mechanisms.
Among contemporary bioinformatics concerns are reliable computational interpretation of a wide range of experimental data, and the detailed understanding of the molecular apparatus behind cellular mechanisms of sequence information. By exploiting available experimental data and evidence in the design of algorithms, sequence correlations and other features of biological significance can be inferred. In addition to the computational research the center also has experimental efforts in gene expression analysis using DNA chips and data generation in relation to the physical and structural properties of DNA.
In the last decade, the Center for Biological Sequence Analysis has produced a large number of computational methods, which are offered to others via WWW servers.
Visit Dates, May 2016
The time and place of the presentations will be posted here. If you wish to schedule a meeting with Thomas and Bent please contact the local host.
Talk title: "Ancient, large and many. Genomes, tools, infrastructure and opportunities to collaborate".
13th - UFPA Artur Silva
14:00: Sala de Seminários, Centro de Genômica e Biologia de Sistemas
Campus do Guamá, UFPA
16th - FIOCRUZ Fabio Passetti / UFRJ Francisco Prosdocimi
14:00: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Pavilhão Helio e Peggy Pereira (HPP) Room 14b
17th - USP Arthur Gruber
14:00: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Edifício Biomédicas IV, piso térreo, Anfiteatro Rosa. Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1730, Cidade Universitária, Butantan.
19th - EMBRAPA Cenargen Roberto Togawa
10:00 Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Auditorio Central