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ARGO - the Amazon Rainforest Genome Ontology project

Projetct aims:

The importance of the Amazon Rainforest as
a global reservoir of biodiversity needs hardly
any introduction. With less than 0.5% of its
flowering plant species been studied, there are
many undiscovered biotechnological and
medicinal potential of both plants and animals.
If the current deforestation continues, they
will lose habitat and may become extinct,
which result in an irreversible loss in species
and genetic knowledge. With the mission of
tapping into the biological, medical and
scientific potential of the Amazon
biodiversity by combining state-of-the-art tools within Omics, Big Data and AI, we initiated ARGO - the Amazon Rainforest Genome Ontology project.
Project web site -


Funding: Vale - DTU - Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ended)



Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén - DTU-DK

Bent Petersen - DTU-DK

Birger Lindberg Møller - UC-DK

Guilherme Oliveira -  ITV-Brazil

Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén (DTU)

Bent Petersen (DTU)

Birger Lindberg Møller (Univ. Copen.)

Guilherme Oliveira (ITV)

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